NUIJB 2024-04-02T12:06:10+0430 Ihsanullah Nasih Open Journal Systems <p>Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences (NUIJB) was established in 2022 under Nangarhar University and, It will be published quarterly (four times a year) to provide timely and useful information about Medical sciences, Veterinary sciences, Animal sciences, and Agricultural sciences.</p> <p>NUIJB has been recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE).</p> Frequency of Post-Partum Hemorrhage and Associated Factors in Primiparous Women 2024-01-25T20:27:41+0430 Wahida Ahmady Mohammad Haroon Rahemi Orzala Saidal Mohammad Azim Azimee <p><strong>Background</strong>: Postpartum hemorrhage refers to excessive blood loss during or after delivery, it defined as blood loss greater than or equal to 1000 ml or blood loss within 24 hours after the birth. The objective of this study is to investigate frequency of post-partum hemorrhage and associated factors in primiparous women.<br><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>: A hospital based cross sectional study was conducted among 104 women aged 18-48 years, during six months (01/Oct/2022 to 30/March/2023). Women diagnosed post-partum hemorrhage and admitted in Nangarhar university teaching hospital (gestational age 36-42 weeks) were included in the study.<br><strong>Findings</strong>: Among 104 women, who were observed, mean age was 25.70 ± 5.24, most affected (71.15%) age group interval was (20 to 29-year age group). About 63(60.60%) were Primiparous and (39. 40%) women were multi parous. About fourth-five (80.80%), two third (67.30%), and one -third (31.70%) of participant were, illiterate and house wives, lived in rural areas and expressed as the economic condition as poor, respectively.<br><strong>Conclusion</strong>: History of pre-delivery anemia, maternal age, prolong labor, type of delivery, oxytocin use, low economic status, low education level and hypertension in pregnancy were associated factors for postpartum hemorrhage. 20-29-year age group, atony of uterus, prolonged labour, use of oxytocin, toxemia of pregnancy, and C/S delivery was statistically significant risk factors between primiparous and multiparous women. Close observation in antenatal, pre partum periods and intrapartum period is needed to identify women who have associated factors and early intervention to prevent post-partum hemorrhage.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Socio-Economic Status and Calf Management Practices Followed by Kunari Cattle Owners in Kunar Province, Afghanistan 2024-01-25T20:36:52+0430 Faridullah Safi Anayetullah Janati Abdul Rasool Karimy Imranullah Rodwal Mir Hatam Niazi <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> The purpose of this study to invistigate the socio-economic status and calf management practices followed by Kunari cattle farmers in three districts of Kunar provimce. Livestock rearing is crucial in Afghanistan for food security, involving both poor and wealthy farmers. Cattle are raised for milk, meat, and power. Livestock plays a vital role in dry rural areas, and farmers rely on agricultural byproducts for feeding. In Kunar province, small and marginal farmers and landless laborers raise 2-4 animals per household on average, despite limited land holdings of 1.5 to 2 acres.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The investigation was conducted properly in eastern region Kunar province, Afghanistan. Three districts namely (Watapur, Dara-E-Peach, and Chapa Dara) were randomly selected. Cattle owners with 2-10 Kunari cattle were purposively chosen. Seven villages from each district were randomly selected, and Eight respondents that random were chosen from each village, resulting in a sample size of 170 cattle keepers. Microsoft Office Excel will be utilized for organizing the questionnaire's data and analyzed using SPSS 26.0.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> Farmers lacked awareness and knowledge about the importance of calf rearing management practices, resulting in a lack of scientific care for newborns. Illiteracy was a significant issue, despite having sufficient land for agriculture and animal husbandry. Traditional methods were followed for newborn care, with limited understanding of the significance of hygiene and sanitation. Lack of access to veterinary facilities may have contributed to this situation.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Animal husbandry practices primarily involved cows and elderly bulls, forming an essential part of their livelihood. Traditional methods were followed for the care of newborns, with limited awareness of the significance of hygiene and sanitation. This lack of understanding could be attributed to the absence of veterinary facilities.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Prevalence of Mortality Following Traumatic Brain Injuries Considering Glasgow Coma Scale – Kabul, Afghanistan 2024-01-25T20:49:13+0430 Mohammad Homayun Tawhid Hashmatullah Rahimi Mohammad Sadeq Jawhar Ahmad Fawad Pirzad <p><strong>Background:</strong> Traumatic brain injuries are external mechanical injuries that can cause damage to the scalp, skull, or brain tissue. These injuries are significant causes of mortality in low-income countries and can result in death and disability at all ages. The most common causes of traumatic brain injuries a traffic accident and fall. It is estimated that traumatic brain injuries account for 9% of all deaths worldwide and are directly related to the severity of the brain injury. This study aims to determine the mortality rate following traumatic brain injuries based on the level of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), age, gender, and causes of traumatic brain injuries.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This cross-sectional analytical study conducted at Aliabad University Hospital in Kabul City in 2022. Data was collected from hospital files of 618 patients aged 15 years and above using census sampling.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> Out of the total 618 patients with traumatic brain injuries, 524 (84.8%) were male and 94 (15.2%) were female. Among them, 79 patients (12.8%) have died, with 61 (77.2%) being male and 18 (22.8%) being female. The highest occurrence of deaths occurred between the ages of 16-35 years (44.3%), and the most common causes were traffic accidents (53.2%). The mortality rates were 78.5% in GCS 3-8, 13.9% in GCS 9-12, and 7.6% in GCS 13-15.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Traumatic brain injury is a significant cause of mortality, and the severity of brain injury is directly related to the level of consciousness (GCS). The prevalence of deaths following traumatic brain injuries is 12.8%, with a higher occurrence in the 16-35 age groups and among males.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 A Comparative Study of Light and Heavy Elements Cations in Wastewater in Herat City, Afghanistan 2024-02-28T00:04:20+0430 Ahmad Timory Faridah Ashah Shahnaz Timory <p><strong>‌‌</strong><strong>Background</strong>: Proper management of wastewater is crucial for the environment. Without knowing the operational status of the treatment system, it is impossible to make an accurate assessment of the system. In this study, the performance of the activated sludge system at the Al-Farooq 207 Qul Urdu (Site A) and Family Center (Site B) wastewater treatment plants was evaluated for the removal of element cations.<br /><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The research method involved random sampling of sewage. For this purpose, 5 samples were taken from the 2, 3, and 5 meter parts of the distance of 15 samples.<br /><strong>Findings:</strong> The concentration of the elements in these wastewaters has been measured and then the results have been analyzed by statistical analysis. After the graphs that were examined and analyzed in the sewage of (Site A) and (Site B) in Herat Province, according to the WHO international standard for these cations of toxic elements such as: Fe<sup>II</sup> 0.5gr/lit, Al<sup>III</sup> 0.2gr/lit, Cr<sup>II</sup> 0. 05gr/lit, Co<sup>II</sup> 0.023gr/lit, Zn<sup>II</sup> 3gr/lit, Mn<sup>II</sup> 0.5gr/lit, Ni<sup>II </sup>0.02gr/lit, Cu<sup>II</sup> 2gr/lit, Cd<sup>II</sup> 0.03gr/lit, Bi<sup>II</sup> 1gr/lit, As<sup>II</sup> 0.01gr/lit, Sb<sup>II</sup> 0.005gr /lit, Hg<sup>II</sup> 0.001fr/lit, has determined. The results in the presented graphs are compared with the WHO international range.<br /><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The results show that the concentration of toxic cations of heavy elements in the wastewater of (Site A) is very high, except for the remaining (Cu<sup>II</sup>) cation from the WHO international range. and its use in the fields of agriculture, environment and their flow in surface waters is very worrying. While the concentration of toxic cations of heavy elements in the sewage of (Site B), Herat province, except for the cations of (Zn<sup>II</sup>), (Mn<sup>II</sup>), (Cu<sup>II</sup>), (Cd<sup>II</sup>), is lower than the WHO international range, the concentration of cations (Fe), (Al<sup>III</sup>), (Cr<sup>++</sup>), (Co<sup>II</sup>), (Ni<sup>II</sup>), (Bi<sup>II</sup>), (As<sup>II</sup>), (Sb<sup>II</sup>) are relatively high from the WHO international range. And its use in agriculture, the environment and its flow on surface and underground water are worrying. Because this wastewater is used to irrigate fields in Behdaei village of Gozereh district without chemical treatment.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Assessment of Theileriosis Prevalence in Goat: A Study in the Central Areas of Khost Province, Afghanistan 2024-03-05T01:02:14+0430 Mumtaz Ibrahimi Sabghatullah Danish Khalid Basharmal Rahman Aziz Hikmatullah Langar <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Theileriosis, a tick-borne hemoprotozoan disease, poses a substantial economic threat to goat farming. Small ruminants, especially goats, play a significant role in the economy of poor farmers in Afghanistan. Parasites are known as an important risk factor for the health and production of small ruminants, which cause important economic losses in the developed and developing countries of the world. Parasitic diseases that are transmitted by insects affect the health of animals, causing low production due to malnutrition in animal. This study aims to assess the prevalence of theileriosis in goats and to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate within the central areas of Khost province.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> All the data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA-SPSS) which is described by Sen Decor and Cochran (1967). the sample size was calculated using Martine formula (n = 1.962pq/r2), where 1.96 is the 95% confidence interval (CI), p is the cumulative prevalence of theileriosis in goats of Baluchistan (9.70%) is 1-p and r is the accepted error (5%).<br><strong>Findings:</strong> This study demonstrated varying prevalence rates, with theileriosis prevalence recorded at 9.6% in male animals, 14.1% in females, 15.4% in non-mature animals, and 11.5% in matured. Statistical analyses substantiated the significance of gender-based prevalence (P&lt;0.05) and age-based trends (P&lt;0.05), emphasizing the heightened prevalence in females and young animals.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> In conclusion, generally the prevalence of theileriosis exhibited gender-based disparities, with higher rates in females, and age-dependent variations, showcasing elevated prevalence in young animals. The study underscores the imperative for targeted management strategies, especially for female and young goat populations, to mitigate the economic impact of theileriosis in the central areas of Khost province, Afghanistan.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Seroprevalence of Q fever Among Small Ruminants in Herat – Afghanistan 2024-03-05T01:49:14+0430 Mohammad Hakim Niazmand Noor Ali Mohmand Aziz-ur-Rahman Niazi Wahidullah Bahear Hirai Takuya <p><strong>Background:</strong> Q fever is a zoonotic disease that poses a substantial threat to both public health and the economy. While small ruminants typically carry the infection without exhibiting symptoms, humans can experience severe clinical manifestations and complications, leading to high morbidity and mortality rates. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Q fever among small ruminants in Herat province, Afghanistan.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> A cross-sectional seroprevalence study was conducted in five sheep and goat farming locations in Herat. Sera samples were collected from 700 small ruminants (400 goats and 300 sheep) selected via a simple random sampling technique and analyzed using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ID Screen® Q Fever Indirect Multi-species; IDvet, France). &nbsp;<br><strong>Findings:</strong> The study revealed a high prevalence of Q fever in both goat (46.5%) and sheep (51.7%) populations. Local breed ruminants and goats that grazed outdoors exhibited the highest seroconversion rates, with 35.0% each. Geographically, the Guzara district, particularly Zangahab village, showed the highest seroprevalence among goats, with 19.7% positive serum samples. Similarly, among sheep, Guzara, Injil, and Pashton Zargon districts had seroprevalence rates of 24.4%, 17.3%, and 10.0%, respectively. No significant difference in seroprevalence was observed between sheep and goats. However, a significant association between seroprevalence and location (p&lt;0.001) and village (p&lt;0.001) was evident for both goats and sheep. Additionally, seroprevalence was significantly linked to ruminant breed and farming type for goats (p&lt;0.001).<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study highlights the alarmingly high seroprevalence of Q fever among sheep and goats in the studied region, underscoring the need for effective control measures to protect both animal and human health.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Passive Surveillance of Rabies Post Exposure Incidents in Goshta and Mohmand Dara Districts 2024-03-11T09:58:42+0430 Mohammad Bayer Darmel Hazim Safullah Assadullah Dost <p><strong>Background</strong>: Rabies is a perilous viral disease that is lethal, affecting primarily warm-blooded creatures, including humans. Once clinical signs manifest, the illness becomes fatal. The World Health Organization (WHO) approximates that approximately 59,000 individuals perish annually worldwide due to rabies.<br><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>: This disease poses a significant challenge to health and public welfare in Afghanistan, where there is close contact between stray dogs, animals, and humans. Our research was conducted in the Goshta and Mohmand Dara districts of Nangarhar province, employing the principles of passive surveillance and retrospective review. We focused on registered potential cases of exposure to dog bites in both humans and animals. The data collected encompassed patient attributes, such as age, gender, residency (village), place of exposure, time of exposure, animal classification (wild, stray or domestic), anatomical location of the bite, depth of injury, and administered vaccination doses.<br><strong>Findings</strong>: A total of 17 human cases were recorded where out of the mentioned cases 12 belonged to Mohmand Dara district and five cases to Goshta district. In the studied human population except for two cases which were bitten/scratched by other animals (donkey and cat) all remaining were bitten/scratched by dogs. Only four dogs showed clinical symptoms of rabies. All victims received complete doses (5 doses) of anti-rabies vaccination (ARV) after exposure and were observed until the end of the research study, all cured. This study showed that case occurrence is different according to area and occurs more in males (82.352%) compared to females (17.647%). Also, people with an age of less than 20 years are more susceptible to dog bites. This study also showed that understudy populations are more bitten by dogs. A higher percentage of people are bitten in lower limbs. No predator animals have shown symptoms. The dog bites were significantly (P&lt;0.05) increased during May-July compared to Aug-Sep, it means the exposure was effected by season. A total of four animal (cattle) cases of different ages were recorded in veterinary health centers, all bitten by dogs, none showed symptoms. Two of the mentioned animals were slaughtered before onset of symptoms and two remaining were observed no one showed symptoms.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study shows that dog bite is the main cause of transmission in humans and animals, especially among the male sex including children and young adults. Amended surveillance and prevention of dog bite-related wounds, predominantly among children, are needed.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) 2024-03-11T10:12:21+0430 Atiqullah Afghan Moazam Haqmal Mohibullah Samim Amal Ghosh Naqibullah Afghan <p><strong>Background:</strong> This study focuses on examining the impact of organic-inorganic nitrogen management and boron-sulfur nutrition on key growth and yield parameters of mustard to enhance crop productivity. By analyzing the effects of different treatments, the research seeks to provide insights into optimizing nutrient management strategies for improved agricultural practices and sustainable crop production in the region.<br><strong>Materials and Methods: </strong>The pre-experiment soil analysis was done to determine nutrient status. The field experiment utilized a split-plot design with three replications. The main plots was organic-inorganic nitrogen managements which contains four nitrogen rates (RDF, 75% urea/25% manure, 50% each, 25% urea/75% manure) with recommended P/K. The sub-plots were boron-sulfur nutrition including S<sub>1= </sub>1kg B ha<sup>-1</sup>, 40kg S ha<sup>-1</sup>, and S<sub>2</sub>= 1kg B + 40kg S ha<sup>-1</sup>. Growth and yield parameters were recorded following standard procedures. Data was statistically analyzed by OPSTAT online using ANOVA to determine treatment effects.<br><strong>Findings</strong>: The study showed integrating organic manures to substitute 25-50% inorganic nitrogen significantly increased plant height, branching, and yields of mustard versus recommended fertilizer dose. Micronutrient supplementation with boron and sulfur also improved growth and productivity over control. Balanced organic-inorganic nitrogen management along with B and S nutrition had significantly positive effect on the all crop characteristics, increasing seed, stover and biological yields by 11-13% over sole inorganic fertilization.<br><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Balanced Integrated nutrient management is essential for optimal growth and productivity of mustard plants. Organic-inorganic nitrogen and boron-sulfur management significantly influenced plant height and crop productivity. Combining of Organic-inorganic nitrogen and boron-sulfur management can promote sustainability and reduce chemical fertilizer use.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Detection of Antimicrobial Drug Residues in Raw Cow Milk samples in Logar and Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan 2024-03-11T10:26:11+0430 Mohammad Arif Noori Abdul Saleem Jamily Sayeed Qadir Danishiar Sayed Ali Askar Musavi <p><strong>Background:</strong> Nowadays, various types of antibiotics are being used worldwide in the veterinary sector particularly, for the promotion of growth and treatment of livestock. Significant portions of antibiotics are released through the milk of dairy animals inviolate and exert serious harmful effects on human health. Milk that utilizes by human consumption should also comply with safety criteria regarding antibiotic residues. The objective of this study was to determine the level of antibiotic residues in raw milk conferred by the milk producer’s cooperatives of Logar and Maidan Wardak provinces to Guzargah dairy union for further processing and distribution.<br><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>: In this research 110, raw cow milk samples for a one-year period were collected and analyzed (n=110). 55 samples were collected from Logar province and 55 samples were collected from Maidan Wardak province. Milk samples were tested by Betastar Combo Test Kit. All samples considering the laboratory procedures were transported to the laboratory and tested for the presence of Tetracycline and Beta lactams as these antibiotics are widely used for the treatment of bovine mastitis.<br><strong>Finding: </strong>Out of 110 milk samples, 12 samples were positive for the presence of Tetracycline residues and 7 samples were positive for the presence of Beta lactams. For further accuracy of the result, all the positive samples were tested by Microbial Inhibition Assay (MIA), and the same result is obtained.<br><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The study results show and indicate that antibiotic residues are present in the samples which paves the way for the contamination of human food chains. Considering that milk is mostly consumed by the elderly and kids, hence, it can be the main concern for public health.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Study of Growth Rate and Yield Performance of Five Cultivars of Gorgak Melons (Cucumis melo L.) using Morphological Traits in Sar-e-Pol Province, Afghanistan 2024-03-11T10:40:35+0430 Mohammad Arif Adel Sayed Esmail Emran Mohammad Belal Esari <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Melon (<em>Cucumis melo</em> L.) is the genetically most diverse and the economically most important species of the genus <em>Cucumis</em> grown around the globe. The species occupies the third world rank of production quantity. Melons demonstrate high morphological and phonological polymorphisms in a flower type and leaf shape, plant growth habits, and fruits morphology traits i.e., fruit size, fruit shape, fruit texture, fruit color, and fruit flavor. The Afghani melon has a great reputation in local and regional markets and meets the majority of consumers desires. In Sar-e Pol province of Afghanistan, a particular of melon, the Gorgak melons, are widely grown for commercial purposes. The cultivation of the Gorgaks in dry and semi-dry regions has a better production by high quality and quantity.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The experiment was carried out in Gangalbagh Research Station of Sar-e Pol province employing a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two replications.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> Gorgak cultivars demonstrated the highest morphological, growth and yield diversity, mainly for fruit traits. The diversity may be attributing mostly to positive or negative selection. Based on observation it is known that the stem color (RHS 143B), number of mean stem, number of lateral stems, stem length, bio products, germination percentage and 50 % germination there were no significant differences between cultivars. Gorgak safeed derived stem color characters from Gorgak seya and Gorgak sabz derived from Gorgak ablaq. Adjacent ranges can undergo shifts, in color due to factors, such as fluctuations, in light intensity or the absence of specific nutrients.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Gorgaks have different phenotypic characters from each other on different morphological characters.&nbsp; Gorgak seya, Gorgak sabz and Gorgak ablaq exhibits diversity with its characters displaying a remarkable level of stability.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Influence of Corm Weight and Planting Distance on Production of Saffron in Agro-climatic Condition of Kabul 2024-03-11T10:55:34+0430 Gul Ahmad Zahiryan Masood Sayeed Rohullah Zahiryan <p>The effect of phosphorus and plant density on floral yield and corm production of <em>Crocus sativus</em> was studied at horticulture department, faculty of agricultural Kabul University during 2019-2020. Four different phosphorus (P) doses i.e. 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> were applied to five different densities viz. 242, 107, 54, 30 and 20 plants m<sup>-2</sup>. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements. P effect was largely non-significant, whereas planting densities had considerable effects. Maximum days to sprouting (29.8), and in the second year maximum saffron yield ha<sup>-1</sup> (10.4 kg) were produced by 242 plants m<sup>-2</sup>, while minimum in these were recorded at 20 plants m<sup>-2 </sup>density. Maximum stigma weight (5.33 mg), Maximum flowers size (3.8 cm) was produced by 30 plants m<sup>-2 </sup>density at 20 kg ha<sup>-1 </sup>P, and maximum flowers per plant (1.5) were produced by 20 plants /m<sup>-2</sup> densities at 20 kg ha<sup>-1 </sup>P. Minimum flowers per plant (1.0) were produced by corms at 107 plants m<sup>-2</sup> density supplied with 60 kg ha<sup>-1 </sup>P, and minimum flower size (2.8 cm) was observed in plants grown at 54 m<sup>-2</sup> density fed with 40 kg ha<sup>-1 </sup>P.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 The Rate and Reasons of Using Nutritional Supplements among Male-bodybuilders in Mazar-e-Sharif City, Afghanistan 2024-03-12T19:36:53+0430 Nazifullah Andishmand Abdul Hafiz Majedi <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Nutritional supplements are products that consumed widely by sport populations around the world. The literature study of this research shows that only one article was published in 2011 about rate of using nutritional supplements among British Soldiers in Afghanistan. And there was not found any study in this case in Aghanistan. The main objectives of this study were to detect the rate and reasons of using nutritional supplements among male-bodybuilders of Mazar-e-Sharif city.<br><strong>Material and Methods: </strong>This study was conducted by analytical-descriptive via research questionnaires. At first, ten gyms were randomly selected from the all gyms of Mazar-e-Sharif city. There were distributed 130 questionnaires among male-bodybuilders randomly and 112 persons were responded to questionnaires. After collection of questionnaires, the data was analyzed by using of SPSS and defined the rate, reason and types of food supplements that were prevalent and used among male-bodybuilders of Mazar-e-Sharif city.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> Current research shows that the male-bodybuilders of Mazar-e-Sharif city’s gyms usually use four types of nutritional supplements, including Protein (90.2%), Creatine (87.5%), Carbohydrates (83.9 %) and Vitamins (86.7%). Also there were pointed four reasons for using of nutritional supplements by body-builders which are including of: weight increasing (25%), energy providing and endurance (37.5), increasing mass of muscles and, strength (19.7), and weight decreasing (17.8).<br><strong>Conclusion: </strong>A dietary or nutritional supplement is intended to provide nutrients that require for human body. Analyzing of current research data shows that the male-bodybuilders of Mazar-e-Sharif city’s gyms usually use four types of nutritional supplements including Protein, Creatine, Carbohydrates and Vitamins supplements. Also, there were pointed four reasons for using of nutritional supplements (weight increasing, energy providing and endurance, increasing mass of muscles and strength, and weight decreasing) among male-body-builders of Mazar-e-Sharif city.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Effect of Phosphorus and Planting Distance on Corm Production of Saffron (Crocus sativus) 2024-03-12T19:47:19+0430 Sayeed Masood Gul Ahmad Zahiryan Rohullah Zahiryan Najibullah Mujadadi <p>The influence of phosphorus and planting distance on corm production of <em>Crocus sativus</em> was studied at the Ornamental Horticulture Farm of Department of Horticulture, Kabul University during 2019-2020. Four different phosphorus (P) doses i.e. 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> were applied to five different densities viz. 242, 107, 54, 30 and 20 plants m<sup>-2</sup>. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement. P effect was largely non-significant, whereas planting densities had considerable effects. The increase in corm number m<sup>-2</sup> with increase in plant density means that more corms were planted per unit area. Hence more production in terms of corm number was obtained from the densely planted areas. However, as we know crocus is a perennial crop and the corms are left in soil to grow for several years. Maximum days to sprouting (29.8), number of cormels m<sup>-2</sup> (441.7), number of corm m<sup>-2</sup> (371.1) were produced by 242 plants m<sup>-2</sup>, while minimum in these were recorded at 20 plants m<sup>-2 </sup>density. Number of cormels (2.5), cormel weight (1.6 g), number of corms (2.0), corm weight (11.1 g), corm volume (10.7 ml) and corm diameter (3.1 cm) were produced by plants at 20 m<sup>-2 </sup>densities, while minimum values for the above parameters were noted in 242 plants m<sup>-2</sup>. The interaction of phosphorus doses and planting distance was significant for some parameters. A comparison of means values for plant densities revealed that maximum corm volume (10.7 ml) was produced by plants at the lowest density (20 plants m<sup>-2</sup>), while it was minimum (8.8 ml) at the highest density (242 plants m<sup>-2</sup>).</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Interplay of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder and Resilience among Earthquake Survivors in Zinda Jan District of Herat Province 2024-03-12T19:57:04+0430 Aziz-ur-Rahman Niazi Mina Alekozay Noor Ali Mohmand Sayed Javid Sadat Ehsan Ahmad Ahmadzadeh Taiebe Hamedi Temorshah Rahimi Abdul Fattah Najm <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Frequent earthquakes that hit Herat province in October 2023 resulted in considerable loss of lives and massive property damage. They caused massive physical and psychosocial injuries; while physical injuries could be treated by healthcare professionals, psychological injuries could be neglected. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general anxiety disorder (GAD); and their association with resilience among earthquake survivors in Zinda Jan district.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This community-based cross-sectional study was conducted during October and November 2023, among 418 cases -including 206 (49.3%) males and 212 (50.7%) females- with a mean age of 40.16±14.17 years. Sociodemographic data was collected via a structured questionnaire, data on PTSD was collected using the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), and data on GAD was collected via the Dari-version of GAD-7 questionnaire.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> GAD was detected in all (100%) participants, of whom 6 (1.4%), 29 (6.9%), and 383 (91.6%) had mild, moderate, and severe anxiety, respectively. Furthermore, 153 (36.6%), 134 (32.1%) and 131 (31.3%) participants suffered from mild, moderate and severe PTSD. As per resilience, 153 (36.6%) had low resilience, 142 (34.0%) had moderate resilience, and 123 (29.4%) had high resilience. There was a significant association between resilience and PTSD (p=0.011), but no significant association was observed between resilience and GAD (p=0.515). GAD was significantly associated with gender, marital status, and participants’ access to mental health. A significant association was found between PTSD and participants’ occupation, nutrition status, and access to mental health.<br><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The interplay between post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and resilience among earthquake survivors in the Zinda Jan district is a complex and multifaceted issue that demands further research and intervention. While the experiences of an earthquake can lead to the development of PTSD and GAD, resilience plays a crucial role in helping individuals overcome these challenges and rebuild their lives. A comprehensive understanding of this interplay can inform the development of effective interventions and prevention programs to support earthquake survivors and promote their overall well-being.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Effects of Babesiosis on Blood Hematological and Biochemical Parameters of Cows 2024-03-15T00:17:51+0430 Mohammad Hamid Kadwal Najeebullah Faizee Redwanullah Memlawal Mohammad Malyar Rahmani <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Babesiosis is a life-threatening disease caused by a parasite of the Babesia spp., This infects and destroys the Red blood cells. The disease is transmitted mainly by ticks which become infected by feeding on infected cows. The animals will face certain death if the disease is not properly treated on time. Due to this disease the livestock industry suffers many problems and has faced many challenges and losses. The objective of the current study is to find out the effect of hematological and biochemical parameters of babesiosis on cow blood.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> The present study was carried out in the summer season of Nangarhar province. A total of 30 cows of Watani and 30 cows of Crossbred were selected. The cows were then divided into 15 babesia- infected and 15 healthy cows as controlled groups for both breeds. The sample for blood was collected from the jugular vein of animals using an EDTA tube which contains 2ml of blood for biochemical test.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> The obtained results showed that hematological parameters such as Red blood cells and Hemoglobin in Watani and Crossbred cows were significantly decreased (P≤0.05) in babesia-infected cows than healthy controlled group. While the number of White blood cells was significantly higher (P≤0.05) in babesia- infected cows. In the case of biochemical parameters, the amounts of Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) both in Watani and Crossbred cows were significantly higher (P≤0.05) in babesia- infected cows.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study concluded that the amount of total protein was significantly decreased (p≤0.05). The amount of cholesterol remained significantly higher. Both hematological and biochemical parameters were significantly different in babesia-infected cows than in controlled healthy cows in the present study.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Investigating Breakfast Consumption by Female Students of Herat University 2024-03-15T00:26:27+0430 Nasir Ahmad Sahel Monira Yosufi Ahmad Shafiq Foshanji Abdullah Masoumi Basir Ahmad Rahimi <p><strong>Background:</strong> One of the factors that has a strong and undeniable relationship with the learning and academic progress of students is proper nutrition, including eating breakfast. Consuming a suitable and nutritious breakfast provides enough energy and protein during the students' presence in the class and helps their concentration and learning power a lot.<br><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>: This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the amount of breakfast consumed by female students of Herat University in the spring of 1401, and the data was collected by a standard questionnaire including two parts of demographic characteristics and specialized questions about the status of breakfast consumption. Using Cochran's formula software to select the sample size in the known population. Based on that 384 students from different faculties were&nbsp; randomly selected by &nbsp;stratified &nbsp;sampling methods &nbsp;and questionnaires were distributed, and the data were analyzed using Excel software.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> The results of the research showed that the majority of female students of Herat University (67.97%) said that they did not eat breakfast every day, and only 32.03% of the students ate breakfast every day, which was very low, As the majority of students stated that unawailability of breakfast, waking up late, and the lack of variety of breakfast were the reasons for not consuming it. They also mentioned that bread and tea, dairy products, sweets and other items are used as their breakfast respectively.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> According to the findings of this research, most of the students of Herat University did not eat breakfast even though it is considered as an important meal, so there is a need to raise the level of students' knowledge about the importance of this valuable meal.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Prevalence of Foreign Bodies in Cattle Rumen and Reticulum at Herat Slaughterhouse, Afghanistan 2024-03-15T00:39:45+0430 Abdullah Tahier Noor Ali Mohmand Abdul Qader Pooyan Mohamad Ehsan Saddiqi` Ali Tahiri <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> Cattle in developing countries are at high risk of ingesting foreign objects due to inadequate feeding practices, improper waste disposal, nutritional deficiencies, and poor livestock management. This can cause serious gastrointestinal complications, including obstruction, infection, and perforation. To prevent these issues, livestock producers should focus on providing a balanced diet, improving waste management, enriching pastureland, enhancing supervision, and educating stakeholders. By addressing these factors, farmers can maintain the health and well-being of their cattle.<br><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> A randomized research study was conducted in Herat, Afghanistan to assess the prevalence of indigestible materials in the fore-stomach (rumen and reticulum) of cattle. A total of 400 healthy cattle of local breeds were slaughtered from April to September 2017. The types of foreign bodies and their prevalence in the rumen and reticulum were determined using IBM Microsoft software SPSS version 26 for analysis.<br><strong>Findings:</strong> Of the 400 cattle randomly selected and examined, 24.25% (97 animals) were found to have indigestible foreign bodies in their forestomach (rumen and reticulum). These foreign bodies were primarily located in the rumen (71%), followed by the reticulum (19%), and both chambers (10%). The most common types of foreign bodies were plastic (78%), clothes (76%), thread (76%), leather (25.7%), metal (18.5%), bone (41.2%), wood (72.1%), and glasses (8.2%). The prevalence of foreign bodies was significantly higher in male cattle (24.56%) compared to female cattle (23.43%). Interestingly, the highest prevalence rate of foreign bodies (51.5%) was observed in cattle with poor body condition.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Foreign body ingestion in cattle can cause serious health risks, including obstruction, infection, perforation, and death. To protect cattle health, clean feed, proper waste disposal, and foreign body removal are essential.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Coliform Contamination of Raw Beef at the Slaughterhouse and Butchery Levels in Herat City, Afghanistan 2024-03-15T00:50:36+0430 Shoib Ahmad Shakhes Wakil Ahmad Wasim Zabihullah Nasiry Nazir Ahmad Tookhy <p><strong>Background:</strong> Contaminated food products are responsible for causing various food borne diseases all over the world. Microbial contaminants are present in various food products, particularly raw meat. Among the most common microbial contaminants in meat and meat products are coliform bacteria. This study aimed to determine the coliform quality of raw beef with special emphasis on <em>Escherichia coli</em> in Herat city, Afghanistan and to compare the coliform contamination levels in the slaughterhouse and butchery levels.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> In this study, 150 samples of raw beef were randomly selected from butcheries and slaughterhouses of Herat city. Coliform identification was performed by standard bacteriological methods.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The findings of this study revealed that coliform bacteria were detected in 70% and 75 % of beef samples from slaughterhouses and butcheries respectively. A total of 58 % of positive samples were upon the standard accepted ratio of coliforms contaminant per gram. The <em>E. coli</em> contamination ratio of samples in slaughterhouses and butcheries were 52% and 72% respectively. Our study demonstrates a significant difference in coliform bacteria contamination between slaughterhouse samples and butcheries.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>It was concluded that more than half of the coliform contamination in raw beef from the slaughterhouse and butcheries was exceeded the maximum limit which highlights the need to focus on effective monitoring of the slaughterhouse and butcheries in Herat city for prevention of meat borne intoxication and infection.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Different Varieties and Sources of Apples Marketed in Bangalore City 2024-03-15T01:08:11+0430 Fahimullah Taeeb Ahmad Shah Qadari Mohammad Rahim Rahimi Zabihullah Bahar <p>Fruits are essential components of the human diet. India is engaged in the importation of various kinds of fruits sourced from diverse regions throughout the globe. The purpose of this research was to record the sources and various kinds of imported fruits that are accessible in the market. Additionally, the study aimed to analyses consumer preferences for imported fruits and examines the variables that influence the consumption of these fruits. The research was carried out in the city of Bengaluru, with a sample size of 60 participants. The survey revealed that China emerged as the primary recipient of fruit imports to India in the fiscal year 2016-17. The apple had the greatest level of customer preference, with a mean score of 82.33, while the pomegranate trailed closely behind with a mean score of 69. Approximately 41.67% of customers exhibit a preference for purchasing from established and reputable brands, while 36.67% express a willingness to consider any brand. A majority of customers (58.33%) opted to buy imported fruits via contemporary retail formats, although wholesalers accounted for a significant proportion (30%) of such purchases. The results of the survey indicate that a significant majority (81.67%) of customers in Bengaluru city have expressed that aspects such as health, flavor, and quality play a crucial role in their decision to buy imported fruits. The state Agricultural universities, together with Horticultural universities and Horticulture departments, should priorities efforts to enhance the quality, taste, color, and shelf life of local fruits. This is necessary to effectively compete with imported fruits and decrease reliance on them.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 An Analysis of Consumers Preference for Apples in Bangalore City 2024-03-15T01:16:50+0430 Fahimullah Taeeb Mohammad Rahim Rahimi Ahmad Shah Qadari Zabihullah Bahar <p>Human diets need fruits. India imports several fruits from throughout the globe. The research documented the source and varieties of imported fruits available in the market, analysed customer choice, and assessed variables affecting consumption. The Bengaluru research had 60 participants. The survey found that India imports the most fruits from China in 2016-17. Most customers chose apple (82.33), followed by pomegranate (69). Nearly 41.67% of customers choose trustworthy brands, while 36.67% are fine with any brand. Most customers (58.33%) bought imported fruits via contemporary retail, followed by wholesalers (30%). In Bengaluru, 81.67% of buyers said health, flavor, and quality influenced their purchase of imported fruits. To lessen dependency on imported fruits, state agricultural colleges, especially horticultural universities and departments, must enhance local fruit quality, taste, and color to compete with imported fruits.&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Growth and Biochemical Characters of Basil (Occimum basilicum) in Response to Low Irrigation and UV-B 2024-04-02T11:48:18+0430 Wahid Ahmad Mohammady Homayoon Azadani Abdul Wasi Amiri <p>Various basil cultivars in greenhouse can be cultivated round all year with the necessary growth conditions. Environmental stresses such as low irrigation and ultraviolet radiation are among the factors affecting the plant growth and development process. In the current study, five treatments for duration of ultraviolet radiation (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes per day) and four irrigation levels (100, 75, 50, 30 % of field capacity) on two green and violet type of basil based on factorial in a completely randomize design experiment was conducted. The results showed that the duration of UV irradiation, low irrigation stress and their interaction effected morphological and biochemical responses of both basil cultivars. Measured traits such as leaf thickness, secondary metabolites, percent of essential oil, sodium and potassium elements content under UV treatments, low irrigation stress, and their interactions significantly increased compared to the control, but inter-nod decreased due to ultraviolet radiation, low irrigation stress and interaction effects. The amount of soluble sugars increased due to low irrigation stress (especially relatively severe low irrigation stress, 50% FC), but decreased due to high levels of UV treatments compared to the control, according to the result, UV radiation and low irrigation stress had shown synergistically stat together. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of UV light duration (280–320 nm), low irrigation stress, and the combined effects of UV light duration and low irrigation stress on morphological and biochemical responses of two basil cultivars.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024 Synthesis of New Derivatives of Leaf-Eating Ant Toxic Gland Pheromone Compounds and Investigation of their Biological Properties 2024-04-02T12:06:10+0430 Mahdi Mohammadi Saadullah Khadimzada Hassanali Moradi Ghulam Reza Raesi <p><strong>‌</strong><strong>Background:</strong> The anti-mycobacterial characteristics of 2-pyrazinoic acid esters have been discovered through recent research. Research has demonstrated that the pyrazine ring and the alkyl part of these compounds interact with the enzyme phytynetase, which in turn inhibits the interaction between NADPH and mycobacterial fatty acids synthase, the enzyme responsible for synthesizing the fatty acids required for the cell wall of mycobacteria.<br /><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Targeted pyrazinoic acid molecules have been synthesized, their structure verified by spectroscopic data, and their anti-mycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium TB H37Rv at a dose of 10 micrograms per milliliter assessed in order to test this theory. Significant anti-mycobacterial capabilities were shown by several compounds, including 3c, 3J, and 3M, which inhibited mycobacterial growth by 45.7%, 45.4%, and 51%, respectively.<br /><strong>Findings:</strong> The results showed that the compounds exhibited little toxicity and did not inhibit macrophage cell proliferation. Pyrazinamide had significant antibacterial and antifungal activity, despite its lack of fatal action against non-tubercular mycobacteria and both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Compound 3B, for example, exhibited excellent antibacterial properties against Gram-positive bacteria, such as S. aureus, with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 125 micrograms per milliliter. Conversely, the compounds showed equally potent antibacterial properties against Gram-negative bacteria. Interestingly, compared to Gram-positive bacteria, the ester produced from maltol exhibited greater antibacterial efficacy against Gram-negative bacteria. Compounds synthesized with biodegradable groups also exhibited time-dependent toxicity against K562 leukemia cancer cells in MTT measurements, with compounds 3e and 3J displaying IC50 values of 25 micromolars.<br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> After synthesizing pyrazinoic acid monoterpene esters, spectral data was used to confirm their structures. When their biological characteristics were assessed, toxicity studies against K562 leukemia cells produced encouraging results. Through the use of Thio Ester-mediated activation of 2-pyrazinoic acid by 2, 2-dibenzothiazole disulfide and triphenylphosphine, 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) was coupled with pyrazinoic acid.</p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+0430 Copyright (c) 2024