About the NUIJB
Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences (NUIJB) with e-ISSN: 2957-9988 (online) and p-ISSN: 2957-997X (print) is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists, Researchers involved in research to publishing high-quality articles that advance knowledge of the importance for the health and well-being of humans, animals, and plant. This knowledge may be conveyed by original research papers, Review articles, systematic reviews, Mini-reviews, and case report including those describing negative results from well-preformed experiments giving unexpected or unusual findings. Papers for publication are selected via peer-review to ensure originality, significance, and readability.
Publishes articles describing contributions in the field of medical sciences, Veterinary sciences, and Agricultural sciences. NUIJB was established in 2022 under Nangarhar University and, It will be published quarterly (four times a year) to provide timely and useful information about medical sciences, Veterinary sciences, and Agricultural sciences.