Nigerian Climate Change and Its Effects on Environmental and Human Health: A Narrative Review


Sabo Ago Amina Usman
Mohamad Zulkifli
Gwadabe Uzairu Muhammad
Ibrahim Yahaya Suleiman
M.B Maryam Yusuf


Nigeria's human and environmental health is severely impacted by climate change related phenomena such as flooding, air pollution, droughts, erosion, etc. The effects of climate change on environmental and human health in Nigeria suggests that it is now urgent to take health concerns into account when making mitigation and adaptation plans for the effects of climate change. For the Nigerian health sector to be managed effectively, mitigation and adaptation methods are consequently required. The methods for increasing resilience and decreasing vulnerability for environmental sustainability and health in Nigeria are described in this paper. It also highlights the critical need of educating Nigerian institutions and communities about the effects of climate change on human and environmental health as well as creative solutions, such as planned tree planting events, environmentally friendly green technology, and awareness campaigns for sustainable development in Nigeria. The work is highly noteworthy due to the fact that it investigates novel avenues for mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change on human and environmental health in Nigeria.


Nigeria, Education, Human, health, Environmental, Climate, change


How to Cite
Usman , S. A. A., Zulkifli , M. ., Muhammad , G. U., Suleiman , I. Y., & Yusuf , M. M. (2024). Nigerian Climate Change and Its Effects on Environmental and Human Health: A Narrative Review. NUIJB, 3(02), 22–26. Retrieved from


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