The Effects of Climate Change on Oral Health


Riaz Salarzai
Abdullah Rahmani
Sadat Momand
Naveedullah Zargar


Environmental health and human health are intertwined. Human activities and natural disasters can discharge pollutants or disease-causing germs into the environment, which can have an impact on a community's water, food, and air quality, as well as the lives of the local populace. Dental hygienists (DHs) and other oral health care (OHC) professionals utilize enormous quantities of resources in their everyday clinical operations, which adds to the burden of global pollution and climate change. Climate change's effects on dental health are quite important. Numerous negative consequences, including the onset of epidemics, deforestation, coastal floods, and other tragedies, have been brought about by climate change. The effects of climate change on the general health of people living in a certain geographic area are directly related to each other. Upgrading healthcare facilities and funding for research can help in the coordinated effort to understand these modifying elements in order to effectively address the health burden resulting from climate change. These initiatives will guarantee optimal oral health and allow for sustainable development.


Climate, Change, Oral, Health, Dental, Caries, Cancer


How to Cite
Salarzai, R., Rahmani, A., Momand, S., & Zargar, N. (2024). The Effects of Climate Change on Oral Health. NUIJB, 3(02), 89–92. Retrieved from


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