Climate Change and Its Impact on Water Resource and Ground Water in Afghanistan


Karimullah Baidar
Ihsanullah Ihsan
Shamsurahman Zahid
Salman Ali Nabavi


Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Air Pollution, research is carried out to analysis Hydro-meteorological and groundwater data in Afghanistan. The negative impacts of climate change on water resources such as surface and ground water have become a severe social, economic and environmental problem worldwide, especially in the arid regions of the earth, including Afghanistan. Hence, this article studies the relationship between climate change and its’ impact on water resource in Afghanistan by reviewing related literature. The main objective of this research is to find out natural causes of climate change effects on surface and groundwater resources. The findings of this study show that although there is a strong relationship between climate change and water crises, it can be a secondary factor in the case of Afghanistan. This is because the available water resources in Afghanistan are more than 50 percent higher than the country's water need. In addition, the main factors involved in Afghanistan’s water crisis are explained in this study; factors that have not only caused the flow of about 67 percent of Afghanistan's surface waters to neighboring countries, but also the wastage of about 40 percent of the country's water during irrigation. Finally, limitations and recommendations for further studies also presented.


Climate, Change, Water, Crisis, Resources, Surface, Ground


How to Cite
Baidar , K., Ihsan , I., Zahid , S., & Nabavi , S. A. (2024). Climate Change and Its Impact on Water Resource and Ground Water in Afghanistan. NUIJB, 3(02), 344–347. Retrieved from


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