Climate Change, Communication, and Education: Bridging Gaps for a Sustainable Future; Case Study of First-Year Social Science Students of Federal University Dutse.


Maryam Ibrahim Yahaya Suleiman
Ibrahim Suleiman Yahaya
Hamma Adama Yahaya
Amina Usman Sabo Ago


This succinct abstract examines the complex interactions among education, communication, and climate change, acknowledging the need for all three to tackle the pressing global issue of the climate crisis. The target population of this study is social science students of federal university dutse, the sample size is 100 students where 100 questionnaires were distributed but only 80 were returned which is 80% of the distributed questionnaire. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze the data and the chi-square method is used to test the hypothesis. The study explores cutting-edge instructional strategies that provide students with climate literacy, seeing education as a catalyst for changing behavior and making well-informed decisions in addition to providing information. By combining these components, the study provides a thorough analysis of the relationships that exist between education, communication, and climate change among students of Federal University Dutse Jigawa State Nigeria. It urges researchers, teachers, and communicators to work together to create narratives and instructional frameworks that motivate people to commit to sustainability as a group. This study encourages interdisciplinary interaction in addressing the necessity of informed communication and transformative education as we face the difficulties of a changing climate.


Climate, change, Communication, Education


How to Cite
Suleiman , M. I. Y., Yahaya, I. S. ., Yahaya, H. A., & Sabo Ago, A. U. (2024). Climate Change, Communication, and Education: Bridging Gaps for a Sustainable Future; Case Study of First-Year Social Science Students of Federal University Dutse. NUIJB, 3(02), 372–375. Retrieved from


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