Combating Climate Change: A Comprehensive Study of the Role and Importance of the Rule of Law in Afghanistan


Abdul Naseer Hameedi
Noorullah Noori Mojaddadi
Safiullah Arabzai


Afghanistan stands prominently among nations significantly impacted by climate change, a consequence exacerbated by successive wars and economic challenges. The new government in Afghanistan has many tasks to accomplish, chief among them being the imperative task of addressing climate change. Effectively combatting climate change necessitates the establishment of a robust legal framework and the adherence to a fundamental governance principle the rule of law. This research explores the indispensable role and importance of the rule of law and discusses the ways which are beneficial in combating climate change, Likewise, it reminds the government and the people to this important principle (the rule of law), and highlights its value. The research aims to inform policymakers and legal practitioners, providing valuable insights into the importance of the rule of law and climate action in Afghanistan and to clarify the significance of the determination of responsibilities of government in this manner. This research is bibliographic and relying on secondary data sources. The findings of this research show that the rule of law outlines how governments and individuals must legally address climate change responsibilities. This not only ensures effective implementation but also promotes international cooperation, clarity, and confidence in combating climate change and resolving existing issues.


Rule, of, law, climate, change, regulation, resource, management, legal, framework


How to Cite
Hameedi , A. N., Mojaddadi, N. N., & Arabzai, S. (2024). Combating Climate Change: A Comprehensive Study of the Role and Importance of the Rule of Law in Afghanistan. NUIJB, 3(02), 479–482. Retrieved from


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