Investigating the Consequences of Climate Change and its Impact on Afghanistan’s Security


Fayaz Gul Mazloum Yar
Sayyed Hadi Zarghani


Today, climate change poses a threat to global security. Security is crucial in all areas and for all individuals. Therefore, this study identified the important and effective factors of climate change on Afghan security and categorized them. this study applies an exploratory method because of the nature of identifying factors and its purpose. This article provides an overview of the potential impacts of climate change on Afghanistan across economic, political, environmental, and social dimensions. This using the definitive definition of security, aims to address whether the transformations of the Taliban are advantageous to Afghanistan's survival and security. Research findings show that climate change is caused by changes in rainfall patterns, especially in arid regions, exacerbation and continuity of drought, reduced rangeland levels, decreased production of agricultural products, widespread migration, food security threats, and environmental challenges.


climate, change, security, global, warming, environment


How to Cite
Mazloum Yar , F. G., & Zarghani , S. H. (2024). Investigating the Consequences of Climate Change and its Impact on Afghanistan’s Security. NUIJB, 3(02), 498–502. Retrieved from


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