Agriculture Water Management is an Important Approach for Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change in Afghanistan


Hizbullah Rahmani
Mohammad Omar Abid


As climate change continues to impact Afghanistan, effective strategies for mitigating its effects are crucial to ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural practices. Agriculture's water management plays a vital role in adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change. This article aims to highlight the significance of agriculture water management as an approach to addressing climate change challenges in Afghanistan. The study involved 29 farmers, and the approach included surveys and field observations. The findings found that the primary challenges in Paktika were a lack of irrigation water, old irrigation methods, a lack of modern irrigation systems, and farmers' lack of understanding about crop water requirements. To improve sustainable water management in irrigated agriculture, capacity building, and farmer education, providing knowledge and techniques for water-saving practices, sustainable irrigation systems such as drip and sprinkler, rainwater harvesting, integrated water resource management, crop diversification, conservation agriculture, and strong policy frameworks and robust institutional support are necessary to promote agriculture water management.


Climate, change, Capacity, building, Food, security, Water, resources, management


How to Cite
Rahmani, H., & Abid, M. O. (2024). Agriculture Water Management is an Important Approach for Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change in Afghanistan. NUIJB, 3(02), 528–531. Retrieved from


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