Climate Change-Induced Geoenvironmental Challenges in Faizabad City: A Case Study from 2010-2020


Zabihullah Zakir
Mohammad Yatim Zaryab
Khairuddin Rasikh


The issue of environmental change is a pressing concern in the world today, impacting various aspects of human life. This study aims to assess environmental changes in Faizabad City, located in the Badakhshan Province at the northeast of Afghanistan. The study utilizes a combination of comperhinsive reviws, field observations, and laboratory analysis. Specifically, the study focuses on climate change and its environmental impact on Faizabad City, affecting both human and non-human elements of the ecosystem. By analyzing data from 2010 to 2020, including rainfall patterns, population growth, and temperature fluctuations from reputable local and global meteorological sources, the study highlights significant trends in environmental parameters. The findings indicate a population growth rate exceeding 2% and a temperature increase of 0.5°C during the specified timeframe, alongside fluctuating precipitation levels characterized by both decreases and increases. Consequently, the study concludes that Faizabad City experiences significant warming trends and excessive population growth, posing challenges to planned urban development and geomorphic integrity, thereby compromising its aesthetic appeal.


Climate, change, Environmental, Geology, Geomorphology, Fossil, Fuel


How to Cite
Zakir , Z., Zaryab, M. Y., & Rasikh, K. (2024). Climate Change-Induced Geoenvironmental Challenges in Faizabad City: A Case Study from 2010-2020. NUIJB, 3(02), 573–576. Retrieved from


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