Livestock Sector's Economic Significance and Livelihood Support in Afghanistan: A Focus on Small Ruminants


Sher Ali Jawhar
Cam Mehmet Akif
Emal Habibi
Omer Faruk Yilmaza


Afghanistan predominantly an agrarian nation with a significant rural population, relies heavily on livestock for various purposes. Despite its pivotal role in the country's economy and the sustenance of rural communities, the livestock sector, particularly small ruminants like sheep and goats, often lacks the attention it deserves. This review seeks to evaluate the economic importance of small ruminants and address the challenges faced by livestock farmers, including insufficient pastures, imbalanced nutrition, and limited access to clean water. The analysis encompasses the contribution of small ruminants to the national economy, their impact on rural livelihoods, and the impediments encountered by small-scale farmers. Additionally, the study delves into the intricacies of production systems, market dynamics, and value chains associated with small ruminants, highlighting their role in income generation, employment, and food security. Exploring socio-cultural dimensions, the paper acknowledges the significance of small ruminants in traditional practices and social norms. However, it also underscores challenges in animal health, breeding, feeding, marketing, and infrastructure that hinder the sector's growth. The review underscores the necessity for targeted interventions, including improved veterinary services, enhanced extension support, better market linkages, and policy reforms, to fortify the small ruminant sector. By offering recommendations, the paper aims to guide policymakers, researchers, and practitioners toward fostering sustainable development and inclusive expansion of the small ruminant sector, ultimately uplifting the livelihoods of Afghanistan's small-scale livestock farmers.


Small ruminants, Livestock sector, Economic significance, Livelihood support


How to Cite
Jawhar, S. A., Akif , C. M., Habibi , E. ., & Yilmaza , O. F. (2024). Livestock Sector’s Economic Significance and Livelihood Support in Afghanistan: A Focus on Small Ruminants. Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences, 3(02), 23–30.


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