Effect of Salinity Stress on the Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Peppermint under Greenhouse Condition


Abdul Wase Tajzadah
Sadegh Mousavifard
Ihsanullah Akramzoi
Najafgholi Hossein Mirzaei
Nejad Abdolhossein Rezaei


Peppermint is a rich source of valuable compounds with therapeutic, coloring, preservative and other uses for humans. Peppermint is used in food, perfumery and medicine all over the world. Higher plants experience salt stress due to an excessive buildup of sodium chloride; salinity impacts plants through osmotic stress and toxicity. Salinity impacts every major activity in plants, including growth, photosynthesis, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis, energy production, and germination through biomass and seed formation. The experiment was carried out in the research farm of agriculture faculty of Lorestan University, Iran. The aim of the current research was to examine the effect of different levels of salinity (0, 50 and 100 mM) on the morphological and physiological characteristics of peppermint in the greenhouse. The result showed that salinity stress at 50 and 100 millimole (mM), decreased plant height (11.76%, 23.53%), number of leaves (25.11%, 33.92%), leaf surface (24.76%, 56.37%), crown diameter (14.15%, 25.47%), root length (20.61%, 31.58%), leaf fresh weight (14.47%, 30.47%), leaf dry weight (1.16%, 12.69%), fresh weight of stem (10.78%, 21.11%), dry weight of stem (16.32%, 37.76%), chlorophyll a (46.08% and 61.09%), Chlorophyll b (32.48% and 41.65%), total chlorophyll (40.84% and 53.59%) and carotenoid (34.67% and 67.02%) compared to the control conditions respectively. Hence, increase in salinity concentration at 50 and 100 mM, increased the amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) (37.06% and 73.63%), leaf proline (301.50% and 382.09%) and essential oil (100.40% and 80.32% compared to control. The results of this study showed that, the salinity stress had a significant effect on the morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of peppermint. The results showed that, increases in the salinity stress, significantly increased the amount of electrolyte leakage, production of essential oil, malondialdehyde and proline. Moreover, increase salinity levels in irrigation water, caused reduction in growth characteristics of peppermint. It is to be concluded that, Peppermint is a semi-salt resistant plant, cultivation of peppermint in the medium saline soil is recommended.


Greenhouse, Morphological Characteristics, Peppermint, Salinity Stress, Physiological Characteristics


How to Cite
Tajzadah, A. W., Mousavifard , S. ., Akramzoi, I., Mirzaei, N. H., & Rezaei, N. A. (2024). Effect of Salinity Stress on the Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Peppermint under Greenhouse Condition. NUIJB, 3(01), 17–26. Retrieved from https://nuijb.nu.edu.af/index.php/nuijb/article/view/153


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