Effect of Micro Climate on Flowering Characteristics in Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)


Rahimullah Himatkhwah
Mirwais Khan Afghan
Naqibullah Mujadadi
Zmarialy Tanai


The study aimed to find out the effect of micro climate on flowering characteristics in grapes varieties viz. Perlette, Flame Seedless, Superior Seedless and Punjab Purple. The experiment was conducted in Punjab-Ludhiana during 2018-19 fruiting seasons. Grape varieties were grown in both protective covering (Greenhouse) and open field. The data recorded showed that temperature and relative humidity was higher in protective covering with comparison to open field. The result of the experiment showed advancement in flowering characteristics viz. time of bud-burst, flowering initiation and fruit set in grape varieties grown under protective covering as compared to those grown in open field condition. Maximum advancement in bud burst was observed in Perlette variety (9 and 5 days earlier). Flower initiation was advanced by 4 days in Flame Seedless and Superior Seedless varieties and fruit set by 3-10 days in Punjab Purple variety grown in protective covering.


Protective, Covering, Micro, Climate, Grape, varieties, Flowering, Characters


How to Cite
Himatkhwah, R., Afghan, M. K., Mujadadi, N., & Tanai, Z. (2024). Effect of Micro Climate on Flowering Characteristics in Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences, 3(02), 156–160. https://doi.org/10.70436/nuijb.v3i02.190


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