Sustainable Construction Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: A Review


Mohammad Mukhlis Behsoodi
Hedayat Ullah Safi
Wafiullah Shirzad


This comprehensive review explores the critical role of sustainable construction practices in addressing climate change challenges through both mitigation and adaptation strategies. Climate change, caused by human activities, necessitates urgent global action, given its wide-ranging impacts. Mitigation measures, encompassing transitions to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste management, are essential for averting severe consequences and require collaborative efforts and societal behavioral changes. Simultaneously, adaptation strategies, including resilient infrastructure and community planning, are crucial for addressing the unavoidable impacts of past emissions. The paper dedicates significant attention to sustainable construction practices, highlighting their contribution to both mitigation and adaptation. Key elements, such as energy-efficient design, renewable energy integration, and resilient construction techniques, not only reduce the environmental footprint of the construction industry but also foster socially responsible and resilient built environments. Sustainable construction practices emerge as fundamental in the global initiative to combat climate change, aligning with environmental stewardship for a sustainable and resilient future. Nevertheless, sustained research, innovation, and international collaboration are imperative to advance these practices and effectively tackle the intricate challenges posed by climate change in the built environment.


Sustainability, SDGs, Climate, Change, Sustainable, Construction, Practices, Mitigation, Adaptation


How to Cite
Behsoodi, M. M., Safi, H. U., & Shirzad, W. (2024). Sustainable Construction Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: A Review. NUIJB, 3(02), 274–277. Retrieved from


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