The Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater: A Review


Bahirullah Rahmani
Mohammad Mukhlis Behsoodi
Ibadat Momand


Groundwater is considered to be the second largest reservoir of fresh water in the world, which meets the needs of humans due to anthropogenic activities in various parts of the ground. Recently, the impact of climate change on the groundwater has been taken into consideration so that groundwater can be safely managed and used in a balanced manner. Water is considered to be a vital element of world security and the relationship between ground water and climate change is considered significant. Currently, it is difficult to determine the extent and direction of fires so that groundwater can be managed. Also, this article aims to increase the knowledge about the effects of climate change on groundwater resources which includes general information about groundwater, climate change, effects on groundwater resources, and information about sustainable management of groundwater. It deeply affects the water system which reduces the level of groundwater over time and affects the hydrological cycle. The results of this article have been obtained based on the review which may be useful for future researchers and policy makers in the field of sustainable groundwater management in the context of climate change.


Impact, Climate, Change, Groundwater, Sustainable, Management


How to Cite
Rahmani , B., Behsoodi , M. M., & Momand , I. (2024). The Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater: A Review. NUIJB, 3(02), 597–600. Retrieved from


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