Climate Change Adaptation through Smart Cities in Developing Countries: A Review


Jamilurahman Faizi
Ahmad Zia Sharifi
M.Yusuf Momand
Zargay Habibi


Significant problems are presented by climate change for developing nations, especially in metropolitan areas where vulnerabilities are increased by population growth and scarce resources. By utilizing data-driven strategies and technology breakthroughs, smart cities present viable alternatives for adapting to climate change. This study explores the idea of smart city adaptation to climate change in poor nations. It examines the body of research on the effects of climate change in urban settings, considers how smart cities might help address these issues, and suggests successful adaptation tactics. The study also includes case studies from developing nations that have adopted smart city programs in an effort to adapt to climate change, including the precise actions done and their results. The study further outlines obstacles to implementing climate change adaptation in developing nation contexts, such as difficulties with governance and policy as well as technology constraints. Developing nations may increase their resilience, manage resources better, and lessen the effects of climate change on urban populations by utilizing the potential of smart cities.


Climate, Change, Smart, Cities, Technology, Adaptation


How to Cite
Faizi , J., Sharifi , A. Z., Momand , M., & Habibi , Z. (2024). Climate Change Adaptation through Smart Cities in Developing Countries: A Review . NUIJB, 3(02), 327–330. Retrieved from


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