From Data to Action: Exploring Technological Interventions in Climate Change Mitigation


Badam Niazi
Zargay Habibi
M.Yusuf Momand
Jamilurahman Faizi


This research paper critically examines innovative approaches to climate change mitigation by integrating big data and technological interventions. Emphasizing the pivotal role of system-of-systems thinking, the study underscores its significance in addressing the complexities of mitigation challenges. By integrating diverse disciplines, data, and tools, system-of-systems thinking promotes a comprehensive understanding and necessitates deeper collaboration between industry initiatives and scientific research. Big data emerges as a powerful tool, contributing to climate change research and decision-making by modeling scenarios, transforming energy practices, and enhancing food and water security. The utilization of initiatives like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Global Ocean Observing System fills crucial gaps in scientific, technical, and socio-economic data, enabling researchers to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies. This study explores the application of big data and technological interventions across three primary domains of climate change mitigation: agriculture, cleaner production, and climate resilience.

It categorizes emerging climate change mitigation technologies. In conclusion, the integration of system-of-systems thinking, big data, and emerging technologies offers a holistic and effective approach to addressing climate change mitigation challenges, empowering researchers and policymakers to devise comprehensive strategies for a sustainable future.


Climate, Change, Innovative, Approaches, Big, Data, Carbon, Capture, Storage


How to Cite
Niazi , B., Habibi , Z., Momand, M., Faizi, J., & NAQSHBANDI, S. A. (2024). From Data to Action: Exploring Technological Interventions in Climate Change Mitigation. NUIJB, 3(02), 348–350. Retrieved from


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