Coverage of Climate Change: Comparative Analysis of South Asian Region


Syed Inam ur Rahman
Ahmad Saeed
Khoshal Jabarkhil


Climate change affects everyone living on the earth. Global warming is increasing day by day that is changing the life patterns. Climate change is now regarded as one of the most dangerous environmental concerns due to its far-reaching implications. The purpose of this research is to look at one piece of the greater picture that is Asian progress by providing an analysis of climate change print media coverage in the press. The researcher reviewed the most circulated and prestigious newspaper of all South Asian countries from January 2021 to January 2022. The data is collected through Nexis Lexis software regarding the climate change news from selected newspapers in all South Asian. The content analysis is used as a research method for this study. The content analysis is a tool for defining and evaluating the content and message features of communications. Traditionally—and in several instances, is used for textual content processing (Doston, Jacobson, Kaid, & Carlton, 2012). the print media of South Asian countries covers only 76 stories in all selected newspapers. Most of the stories related to climate change published Times of India (India) 19 (25.00%) and Dawn News (Pakistan) 13 (17.10%). The data indicates that Dawn News (Pakistan) and The Himalayan Times emphasizes on Attribution of responsibility, Times of India (India), Khaama Press and The New Nation emphasize on Economic frame and Maidhu News, Keunsel emphasize on human interest. As a result, it is advised that the mainstream South Asian press emphasize specific issues, such as the causes of climate change. As a result, comprehensive and inclusive data is disseminated to raise public awareness and encourage action on climate change issues in South Asian countries. This study is finds the how print framing the climate change issue.


Cimate, change, Mass, media, Press, Newspaper, South, Asian, region


How to Cite
Syed Inam ur Rahman, Saeed , A., & Jabarkhil , K. (2024). Coverage of Climate Change: Comparative Analysis of South Asian Region. NUIJB, 3(02), 385–388. Retrieved from


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