The Role of Radio Programs in Creating Awareness of Climate Change among Farmers in Paktia Province


Afsar Sadiq Shinwari
Ahmad Gul Ahmadi
Sayed Abbas Sadat


Climate change is one of the most severe threats to humanity in the twenty-first century, and mass communication channels, mainly radio, play a vital role in creating awareness of climate change among farmers in the rural areas of third-world countries. This study aimed to examine the role of radio in creating awareness of climate change among farmers in the Paktia Province of Afghanistan. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with ten farmers from three districts: Ahmad Abad, Siad Karam, and Chamkani. Results revealed that (50%) of farmers have limited knowledge of climate change, while (20%) are unaware of it. Furthermore, most of the respondents (50%) noted personal observations (30%) radio, while (20%) accepted that they received information from agricultural cooperatives. Out of the five selected radio stations, only two- Paktia National and Paktia Ghag-broadcasted information about climate change. In addition, most respondents accepted that lack of water, high temperatures, unseasonal rains, unseasonal cold, and heavy storms are the reasons for climate change affecting their yields.


Climate, change, mass, media, public, awareness, Paktia, province, radio, programs


How to Cite
Shinwari, A. S., Ahmadi, A. G., & Sadat, S. A. (2024). The Role of Radio Programs in Creating Awareness of Climate Change among Farmers in Paktia Province. NUIJB, 3(02), 404–407. Retrieved from


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