The Significance of International Cooperation on Climate Change Mitigation in Afghanistan


Imranullah Akhtar


Afghanistan confronts significant issues as a result of climate change, as the nation is susceptible to landslides, floods, droughts, and rising temperatures. Studying how international cooperation influences Afghanistan's attempts to mitigate climate change becomes crucial in light of these challenges. This study delves into the significance of such cooperation and its influence on Afghanistan's climate change policies and governance. To explore this topic, we employed a qualitative research approach along with content analysis, framed within a neoliberal framework. By adopting this approach, we aim to identify and analyze international cooperation on climate change in Afghanistan. The study reveals that international cooperation significantly impacts Afghanistan's climate change policy and governance, aligning with neoliberal institutionalism theory's emphasis on global challenges. Important conclusions from our research can help development partners, policymakers, and groups addressing climate change in Afghanistan. The results highlight the necessity of funding, technical support, and capacity building for the creation of successful policies and initiatives. Afghanistan can improve its resilience to climate change and sustainable development by placing a high priority on international cooperation. Financing, technical support, and opportunities for knowledge sharing would all be necessary for this. In addition to investments in sustainable agriculture, disaster risk reduction, facility training, foreign aid, and renewable energy, Afghanistan needs international funding currently. This article emphasizes the need for international cooperation in Afghanistan's struggle against climate change and the possibility for sustainable development through the exchange of information, operational help, and funding.


Climate, change, International, Organization, Cooperation, Natural, Disaster, Development


How to Cite
Akhtar, I. (2024). The Significance of International Cooperation on Climate Change Mitigation in Afghanistan. Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences, 3(02), 456–459.


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