Language, Dialects and Climate Change


Azizullah Jabarkhil
Fahim Rahimi


Human beings live in a relationship with each other in human society and solve their problems through interaction. After years and centuries, due to climate change, their language and dialect change and words are added according to their new surroundings. Today, due to the advent of the scientific and technical revolution, climatic conditions will continuously increase and change. Climate change makes it evident that dialects have not persisted and that they alter when agricultural conditions in rural areas change, resulting in the usage of various words there. What was not used before, for the peviously Qalba in field the terms Qalba, Sarbani, Motani, and Ghazj were used but now the tractor is used instead. If a new technique is used in the field instead of the old manual tools, the economic structure will also change, and the relations among the residents will change until a new color and a new type appear in the construction and other parts of the environment, houses, and new sides as well. With it in a new way and a new color in a new language. In dialect, new terminology is created instead of the old terminology.  Climate change over the years and centuries has caused changes in language and dialect.


Climate, Change, Century, Dialects, Language, Society


How to Cite
Jabarkhil, A., & Rahimi, F. (2024). Language, Dialects and Climate Change. NUIJB, 3(02), 465–468. Retrieved from


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