Balancing Environmental Stewardship: Examining the Rights and Obligations of the Afghan Government and Citizens in Environmental Protection


Naqibullah Saqib
Said Ikram Hashimi
Mohammad Khalid Khawrin


This research examines the environmental rights and obligations of the Afghan government and citizens, emphasizing collaborative approaches. It investigates government rights, including legislative authority and regulatory oversight, with corresponding obligations such as enacting and enforcing environmental laws. Citizen rights encompass environmental participation and access to information, with obligations like responsible consumption and conservation support. Data was collected through a qualitative-methods approach, from open sources, and systematically analyzed with interpretation within the context of existing literature.  The study highlights collaborative rights involving public-private partnerships and international cooperation, emphasizing joint decision-making and resource sharing. The findings stress collective action, utilizing case studies and examples, and recommend strategic focus areas for both government and citizens, including monitoring and evaluation, public-private collaboration, regulatory oversight improvement, and legislative framework strengthening. The research contributes to environmental governance understanding in Afghanistan, guiding sustainable development and conservation strategies.


Government, policies, legal, frameworks, sustainable, development, conservation, public, awareness


How to Cite
Saqib , N., Hashimi, S. I., & Khawrin , M. K. (2024). Balancing Environmental Stewardship: Examining the Rights and Obligations of the Afghan Government and Citizens in Environmental Protection. NUIJB, 3(02), 483–486. Retrieved from


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