The Role of Catalytic Vehicles in the Reduction of Environmental Pollution in Nangrahar City of Afghanistan


Bashir ullah Safi
Fazal Rahman Mukhlis Safi
Abdul Rabi Atif


Due to the increase in the number of vehicles in the cities, air pollution is one of the serious environmental hazards because it increases the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and causes climate change. To reduce the bad effects of the gases produced by car engines, the gases are filtered with the help of a catalytic in the silencer of the car (carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons to water vapor) before it leaves the silencer of the car. The catalytic was synthesized in 1895 from various expensive (platinum, rhodium, palladium) materials that work as a result of chemical reactions and have a high price. The purpose of this research is to inform people about the role and value of catalytic in preventing environmental pollution in the eastern zone of Afghanistan. Data was collected through online questionnaire and interviews from 102 participants. The findings of the research show that the catalytic play a vital role in the reduction of environmental pollution in Nangarhar city of Afghanistan. The study revealed that catalytic helps the cars in the prevention of air pollution. The catalytic breaks down dangerous gases into environment friendly gases before they leave the silencer of the car and so has a great role in the reduction of environmental pollution. Similarly, the catalytic is an essential part of the car that has a vital role in the health of the car i.e., the car having the catalytic will be in good condition for a longer period of time, will go with high speed and will use less fuel. Moreover, the use of catalytic is recommended in every car and other fuel consuming machines to avoid environmental pollution.


Catalytic, Environmental, Pollution, Greenhouse, Gases, Atmosphere


How to Cite
Safi, B. ullah, Mukhlis Safi, F. R., & Atif, A. R. (2024). The Role of Catalytic Vehicles in the Reduction of Environmental Pollution in Nangrahar City of Afghanistan. NUIJB, 3(02), 536–540. Retrieved from


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