Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in Afghanistan: A Case Study of Kandahar Province


Rahmati Jamil
Mohammad Bayer Darmel
Sajid Ullah
Asghar Ghaforzai


This paper presents a case study examining the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan. The study assesses the vulnerability of groundwater sources to changing climatic patterns and explores the implications for water availability, quality, and sustainability in the region. Through a combination of field surveys, hydrogeological investigations, and analysis of climatic data, the research aims to provide insights into the specific challenges faced by Kandahar province in managing its groundwater resources in the context of a changing climate. The findings of the study reveal the significant influence of climate change on groundwater availability, with altered precipitation patterns and increasing temperatures leading to shifts in recharge rates and aquifer dynamics. Moreover, the study examines the potential exacerbation of water stress, groundwater depletion, and saltwater intrusion in coastal areas due to rising sea levels and changing rainfall patterns. The insights derived from this case study contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between climate change and groundwater resources, providing valuable knowledge for policymakers, water resource managers, and stakeholders involved in sustainable water management and climate adaptation initiatives in Afghanistan.


Climate, change, Groundwater, Impacts, Water, resources, Kandahar


How to Cite
Jamil, R., Darmel, M. B. ., Sajid Ullah, & Ghaforzai, A. . (2024). Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in Afghanistan: A Case Study of Kandahar Province. NUIJB, 3(02), 291–295. Retrieved from


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