Understsanding the Effects of UV Radiation on Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review


Mansoor Zahirzai
Ziaulhaq Azizi
Mohammad Jawad Niazi
Rafiullah Rafi
Ikramullah Waqar


This review paper explores the intricate relationship between ultraviolet (UV) radiation and climate change, delving into its multifaceted effects on atmospheric processes, global temperature dynamics, biological entities, and the intricate feedback mechanisms that shape the Earth's climate. Beginning with an examination of UV radiation's interaction with the atmosphere, we uncover its role in ozone layer dynamics and its potential to influence atmospheric circulation patterns.The discussion extends to the impact of UV radiation on global temperature patterns, emphasizing its contribution to the Earth's energy balance and its interaction with greenhouse gases. Moving beyond climatic elements, we explore the biological impacts of UV radiation, encompassing its effects on human health, plant productivity, and aquatic ecosystems. We unveil the intricate feedback loops, revealing how changes induced by UV radiation can cascade through the atmosphere, ecosystems, and human societies.The technological and policy implications are scrutinized, highlighting innovations in monitoring and mitigation strategies alongside international policies crafted to address UV radiation's impact on climate change. Looking toward the future, the paper offers insights into potential advancements, challenges, and opportunities, emphasizing the need for ongoing research, global collaboration, and sustainable practices to navigate the evolving dynamics of UV radiation and climate change. In conclusion, this review consolidates a comprehensive understanding of UV radiation's pivotal role in shaping our climate, offering a foundation for informed decision-making and sustainable stewardship of our planet


UV, Radiation, Climate, Change, Atmospheric, Processes, Ozone, Layer, Global, Temperature


How to Cite
Zahirzai, M., Azizi, Z., Niazi , M. J. ., Rafi, R., & Waqar , I. . (2024). Understsanding the Effects of UV Radiation on Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review. NUIJB, 3(02), 577–580. Retrieved from https://nuijb.nu.edu.af/index.php/nuijb/article/view/303


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