Studies on Addition of Four o'Clock Flowers (Mirabilis jalapa) Extract on Physiochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Analysis Properties of Yoghurt


Imranullah Rodwal
Abdul Waris Shenwari
Naveed Zerak
Mir Hatam Niazi
Hedayatullah Sherzad
Habib Rahim Shenwary
Mohammad Malyar Rahmani
Bakht Munir Baber


Background: Milk and other dairy products are the most stable which contains of minerals, vitamins and carbohydratese for all social groups and all age people. The additives of plants are multifunctional use in the dairy industry. Wild plants have the good property of vitamins, minerals, and some other biologically active substances. Because of these compounds, digestion has been improved.
Materials and Methods: This study was done in the food technology and nutrition department, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab. Mirabilis Jalapa flowers have been gotten from Phagwara model town. The flowers collected at the evening, then were dried at the oven, and the second procedure is making powder of the flowers. Milk was collected from the local market then heat it and pasteurized for 5 minutes at 95 centigrade, cooling at 45 centigrade.
Findings: We observed that Mirabilis Jalapa flower extracts were not commonly integrated into the raw milk components. Various extract concentrations, ranging 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%, respectivly, were incorporated into raw milk, with a 5% lactobacillus culture, omitting the use of a control sample. After 24-hour fermentation period, the acidity levels of the samples ranged from 1.05% for the control to 1.45% for the 10% fortified yogurt. Over time, the pH values of the different extract concentrations exhibited a gradual decline. Moreover, with various concentrations of Mirabilis Jalapa extracts exhibited extended shelf lives, with durations of 24 days, 28 days, 32 days, and 34 days for extract concentrations of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%, respectively.
Conclusion: The experimental findings show that the fortified yogurt with Mirabilis Jalapa’s extract shelf life extended, adding more extracts means extending shelf life, whereas conventional yogurt exhibited a comparatively shorter shelf life of 23 days.


Milk drinks, Plant extracts, Mirabilis Jalapa's flowers, Yoghurt, Shelf life


How to Cite
Rodwal, I., Shenwari, A. W., Zerak, N., Niazi, M. H., Sherzad, H., Shenwary, H. R., Rahmani, M. M., & Baber, B. M. (2023). Studies on Addition of Four o’Clock Flowers (Mirabilis jalapa) Extract on Physiochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Analysis Properties of Yoghurt. Nangarhar University International Journal of Biosciences, 2(03), 104–111.


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